Street flooding

As we approach the 12th October, it is correct that we remember the devastation caused by the waters of the Riu Girona. We are truly aware of the damage that water can cause and the fear that accompanies the knowledge that, any moment soon, your garden, car and home will be flooded.
For the residents in Partida Sorts de la Mar, Carrers 10, 11 and 12, flooding started in the early hours of 12th October, long before the River burst its banks. At 1am gardens were flooded, by 3am water was entering the first houses and by 8 am several more were flooded. By 11 am, at least 5 houses were flooded and yet, the river water had not reached this area to augment the rain water that was continuing to rise.
Although some 16 properties and gardens were eventually flooded, along with the loss of several cars, things may have been less severe with better urban planning and improved drainage in those roads.
It is sad to report, that to this day, almost 6 years later,  6 or 7 properties continue to be flooded every time that there is a heavy rainfall and although some residents have built temporary water prevention barriers across their doorways, their gardens and other houses suffer flooding and/or extreme water damage. For the unknowing citizen that parks his car in the ’wrong place’, the car is likely to be submerged and destroyed, as happened during the last episode at the end of August.
Carrer 12 was urbanised some time before the grand flood and the Town Hall has improved the drainage and sewerage. A water pumping station has been installed and Carrer 10 was urbanised 3 years ago, but still these same three streets are being flooded. On each and every occasion, the Association of Neighbours the Almadraba of Els Poblets has registered letters to the Mayor, as President of the Town Hall, to rectify the problems so that the residents can sleep peacefully.
During the evening of 28th August 2013, these streets were flooded once more. During the early hours of 30th August, yet again gardens and homes were flooded. On both occasions a letter was sent to the Mayor, pleading with him to find a definitive solution to the problem of flooding in this area. To date, neither of the letters has received a reply.
On Wednesday,  11th September, the Secretary of the Association had an appointment with the Town Hall engineer, Rafael, so that an evening meeting could be arranged for all of the neighbours of the affected area to attend. As he was not able to arrange this type of meeting without the authority of the Mayor, the Secretary agreed that Rafael would discuss it with the Mayor and that he, Rafael, would telephone the Secretary before the weekend. The Secretary is still waiting to receive the telephone call!
As has been pointed out, Autumn and Winter are still ahead and the residents of Partida Sorts de la Mar, Carrers 10, 11 and 12 continue to live with the same apprehensions,  fears and sensations  that they had on 12th October 2007.
This is not just or fair and certainly not good for their health!!  The reasons for the problems are irrelevant to those that are suffering, they are not interested.  It is for the Town Hall to rectify the problem, that is, after all, what those residents pay their taxes for. Desperation is hanging over their heads.
Would there be a six year delay if the problem was in the Casco Urbano?
